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A broader conception of living space (personal space)

Project Orientation - A broader conception of living space (personal space)

I have some interesting findings from my research, however I don't have a clear idea of what I should do with these findings. I conduct an experiment where music is used to create a public capsule and to test whether music is workable to create personal space in the public. However, there are several problems with this. I feel like I am compile to propose a solution through making urban interventions.

Hence, I decided to look back at the research I did for blurred boundaries between public & personal space. I was trying to understand why people create such grey areas when they live in these. After talking with different people, I realised I am looking at living space ( personal space) in a broader sense. By showing people's living space may not just be personal, it shows the concept of personal space can move from an architecture context to a psychological context and even in other contexts. The direction I am interested challenge the current, common understanding on personal space. The first group of people I challenge their concepts are real estate agent.

However, what does it means when living space move away from architecture context? What happens when living space operates in other contexts? What does it do if I challenge people's conception on personal space?

So, in order answer these questions I did more research on personal boundaries and concept of living space in a dense environment. This article mentions a few things that I find inspiring.

I realised people in Hong Kong create private spaces when they need privacy because they don't really have a lot of personal territories in the first place. This high adaptability is not find in any other places in the world. Moreover, they made sacrifice to live in urban area in exchange for the benefits such convenience. The negotiations they made with the environment is an interesting point that I want to visualise. People negotiate with the environment and also to strangers they encounter to create their personal spaces. This negotiation is necessary as a way to create their space in a dense environment where privacy lacks.

By visualising this negotiation, I can demonstrates the wilder concept of personal space as Hong Kong residents create their personal space anywhere. Perhaps this negotiation shows the many sacrifice, because you can't enjoy privacy without negotiation.

Dense environment lacks privacy > People need personal space > They have to create their own personal space > Negotiations is needed for creating personal space > Visualise this negotiations > Shows the sacrifice of living in urban environment > Provoke people to rethink the development of city's impact on wellbeing

What medium is the best to shows this negotiations. I am thinking using models to show the different personal space people create in the public realm with examples from Hong Kong, especially the rooftop area. Further, showing the negotiations, maybe a graphic novel to accompany with the model.

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